Wisteria Blue Tree

Wisteria blue tree
Blue Chinese Wisteria Tree (Wisteria sinensis) The fast-growing blue Chinese wisteria tree matures at 10 to 15 ft. (3 – 4.5 m) tall. The dwarf tree has dense green foliage throughout summer before turning golden yellow in the fall. Additionally, the ornamental tree adapts well to various soil types.
Is blue wisteria tree invasive?
Wisteria is actually an invasive plant that has a bad habit of taking over a garden or backyard.
Are there blue wisteria trees?
In spring, Blue Wisteria Tree blossoms out with foot-long clusters of delicate lavender-hued flowers. These honey-sweet-scented flowers cascade gracefully from sweeping wisteria branches. Velvety green seed pods follow. A small ornamental tree, Blue Wisteria grows to only 6 ft. to 8 ft.
How fast does blue wisteria tree grow?
How Fast Does This Wisteria Tree Grow? Wisteria are known to be fast growing dwarf trees pushing 3-5 feet in height per year. Expect blooms on this tree 3-5 years after being planted.
Where should I plant a wisteria tree?
Where to Plant Wisteria
- Plant in full sun.
- Plant wisteria in fertile, moist, but well-draining soil.
- If your soil is in poor condition, add compost; otherwise, wisteria will grow in most soils. ...
- Choose a site away from other plants, as wisteria grows quickly and can easily overtake its neighbors.
Are wisteria tree roots invasive?
Yes, you can usually expect a wisteria plant to grow rather aggressively. Although this vining species is gorgeous, wisteria has highly invasive root systems that can wreak havoc on plants nearby.
Why is wisteria a problem?
By climbing into the canopy of trees or plants, it can shade them out, impairing those plants from effectively growing. Over time, wisteria will climb and twine around other plants, eventually shading and girdling native plants.
What is the lifespan of a wisteria tree?
Additionally, individual wisteria plants can live for more than 50 years; wisteria's longevity only increases its ability to invade an area and choke out native plants.
Can wisteria damage your property?
By installing wire support, the wisteria will grow onto the wire instead of growing over downpipes and aerials which will cause long term damage. Wisteria will also grow into windows and climb to the roof of your property. This can be stopped by pruning at different times throughout the summer."
Is blue wisteria poisonous?
Other: All parts of the plant are poisonous, but it is most often the seeds or seed pods that are ingested. Symptoms: Symptoms can include burning mouth, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea, sometimes followed by collapse.
Is wisteria tree toxic to dogs?
With cascades of flowing purple blooms, wisterias are truly stunning. But their seeds (and seed pods) are highly poisonous to dogs, while the leaves and flowers can also be harmful in large quantities.
How do you prune a blue wisteria tree?
Here are the steps to follow:
- Trim away dead and dying branches to the nearest healthy wood.
- Cut back suckers from the base, leaving one or two main trunks.
- Remove crowded lateral branches growing off the main trunk.
- Cut back remaining lateral branches after flowering.
Does a wisteria tree need a trellis?
13 Flowering Vines for Year-Round Color 13 Photos Wisteria is an aggressive climber and needs very sturdy supports to grow without collapsing their trellis or pergola. Be aware that wisteria vines will grow into any crack or crevice so be very careful planting it near or onto your home.
Are wisteria trees hard to care for?
This vine requires deep, rich soil that is somewhat moist but will tolerate many soil conditions. Once planted, pruning is about the only important requirement for wisteria vine care. Since this vine is an aggressive grower, there's no need for fertilizing and being drought-tolerant, wisteria requires little watering.
Are wisteria trees hard to grow?
Wisterias are slow to mature and may not begin flowering until three to five years after planting. Wisterias are rapid growers and can shoot up 10 feet or more in a single growing season. That's great if you want to quickly cover a fence or pergola, but you don't want the vines to overrun your garden.
How long does a wisteria tree take to grow?
A Wisteria from a nursery will usually start to bloom two to five years after you plant it. If you start Wisteria from seed, it can take as much as 15 years to flower.
Can wisteria trees survive winter?
Wisteria grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9 and can easily survive harsh winters when mature. New wisteria plants, however, might be too tender to survive its first winter after planting without some protection against frost and cold winds.
Does wisteria tree have deep roots?
Since Wisteria vines become so large and heavy, they need massive roots to anchor the plant. As such, the root systems grow deep into the ground. Wisteria roots typically grow two to three feet deep, but maybe up to ten feet deep in mature vines that have been in place for many, many years.
How poisonous is wisteria?
Acute and Short-Term Toxicity (or Exposure) All parts of the wisteria plant are considered toxic, especially the pods and seeds. Although serious poisonings are not common, exposures to as few as two seeds have been known to result in serious effects. Symptoms include oral burning, stomach pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Should wisteria be cut back each year?
Armed with some sharp secateurs and a sturdy ladder, you should prune your wisteria twice a year to keep it looking its best. The first pruning is carried out in summer after flowering, usually in July or August. The second prune should take place in January or February while the plant is dormant.
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